National Youth Development Academy (NYDA)

A Technical Educational Institute

Diploma in Electronics- (DE) 1 Year result publication 1999

Name Salim Kamal Khan
Father Name Mohammed Younus
Mother Name Akter Nahar
Student Type Regular
Institute National Youth Development Academy (NYDA)
Roll 249
Reg no 622
Course Duration Diploma in Electronics-(01-July-98 to 30-June-99)
Batch Electronics-(Batch-1998-99)
Gender Male
Religion Islam
CGPA 3.57

Subject Wise Grade/Mark Sheet

Subject Grade
Engineering Drawing (1st Semester) A+ (80)
Principles of Digital Electronics (1st Semester) A (76)
Basic Electricity (1st Semester) A- (73)
Basic Electronics (1st Semester) B+ (69)
Electronic Devices and Circuits (1st Semester) A+ (81)
Computer Application (1st Semester) A+ (80)
Electronic Servicing (1st Semester) A- (77)
Advanced Digital Electronics (2nd Semester) - Final B+ (68)
Electronic Measuring Instruments (2nd Semester) - Final B- (59)
Industrial Electronics (2nd Semester) - Final A (76)
Industrial Training (2nd Semester) - Final A+ (80)
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