National Youth Development Academy (NYDA)

A Technical Educational Institute

Diploma in Business Management (DBM) - 2 Years result publication 2013

Name Nayeemul Hossen
Father Name Md Ibrahim
Mother Name Rubina Akter
Student Type Regular
Institute National Youth Development Academy (NYDA)
Roll 365789
Reg no 5488909
Course Duration DBM-(01-September-2011 to 30-August-2013)
Batch DBM-(Batch-2011-2013)
Gender Male
Religion Islam
CGPA 3.21

Subject Wise Grade/Mark Sheet

Subject Grade
Principles of Management - 1st Semester A
Business Economics - 1st Semester B+
Personnel Management & Industry Relations - 1st Semester B+
Business Laws - 1st Semester B+
Introduction to Sociology - 1st Semester B+
Essentials of Marketing - 1st Semester B
MIS / Systems Design - 1st Semester B
Strategy - 2nd Semester B+
Sales & Distribution Management - 2nd Semester B
Manufacture Planning and Control - 2nd Semester B
E-Commerce - 2nd Semester B
Family Business Management - 2nd Semester B
Project Management - 2nd Semester B+
Industrial Relations and Labour Legislation - 2nd Semester B+
Business Mathematics & Statics - 3rd Semester B+
Financial & Management Accounting - 3rd Semester B
Marketing Management - 3rd Semester A-
Introduction to Psychology - 3rd Semester B+
Micro Economics - 3rd Semester B
Consumer Behaviour - 3rd Semester B+
Introduction to Operations Research - 3rd Semester B+
Introduction to Bangladesh Tourism - 4th Semester B+
Community Science - 4th Semester B
Essential English - 4th Semester B+
Preparation for Careers Management - 4th Semester A-
Industrial Training - 4th Semester A-
Certificate |