National Youth Development Academy (NYDA)

A Technical Educational Institute

Diploma in Engineering (Computer Technology) (DECT) 2 Years result publication 2016

Name Mohammad Tanvir Uddin Chowdhury
Father Name Mohammed Jalal Uddin Chowdhury
Mother Name Sajeda Parvin
Student Type Regular
Institute National Youth Development Academy (NYDA)
Roll 58790
Reg no 445689
Course Duration Computer Technology (01-September-2014 to 30-August-2016)
Batch Computer Technology-(Batch-September-2014 to August-2016)
Gender Male
Religion Islam
CGPA 3.60

Subject Wise Grade/Mark Sheet

Subject Grade
Engineering Drawing - 1st Semester B+
English-1 - 1st Semester A-
Mathematics-1 - 1st Semester B+
Chemistry- 1st Semester B+
Computer Fundamental - 1st Semester A-
Basic Electricity - 1st Semester A
Basic Electronics- 1st Semester A
English - 2 - 2nd Semester A-
Physical Education & Life Skill/Development - 2nd Semester A
Physics-1 - 2nd Semester A-
Mathematics-2 - 2nd Semester A-
Computer Application -1 - 2nd Semester A
Bangla - 2nd Semester B+
Electronic Device & Circuits-1 - 2nd Semester B+
Basic Workshop Patrice - 2nd Semester A-
Programming Language-1 - 3rd Semester A-
Computer Application - 3rd Semester A+
Digital Electronics - 1, - 3rd Semester B+
industrial Electronics - 3rd Semester B+
Mathematics-3 - 3rd Semester B+
Physics -2 , - 3rd Semester A-
Social Science -1 , - 3rd Semester A-
Industrial Tanning - 4th Semester (Final) A+
Certificate |