National Youth Development Academy (NYDA)

A Technical Educational Institute

Diploma in Hospitality & Tourism Management- (DHTM) 2 Years result publication 2017

Name Maruf Ahmed
Father Name Salim Ahmed
Mother Name Fatima Begum
Student Type Regular
Date of Birth 06 April 1995
Institute National Youth Development Academy (NYDA)
Roll 340630
Reg no 760825
Course Duration DHTM (01-Jan-15 to 30-Dec-16)-2 Years
Batch DHTM-(Batch-15/16)
Gender Male
Religion Islam
CGPA 3.5

Subject Wise Grade/Mark Sheet

Subject Grade
Introduction to Hospitality Management (1st Year) A+ (80)
Foundation of Hotel Management (1st Year) A (78)
Meetings & Events Management (1st Year) B+ (68)
Restaurant Management (1st Year) B (64)
Food Safety & Sanitation (1st Year) A (76)
Customer & Personal Service Management (1st Year) B (64)
Tourism Management (1st Year) A (77)
Market Research (1st Year) A+ (80)
Strategic & Operational Marketing (Final Year) B+ (67)
Policies in Tourism (Final Year) A (76)
English Communication in Tourism (Final Year) B (63)
Second Foreign Language Communication in Tourism (Final Year) B (64)
Analysis of Tourist Destination (Final Year) A+ (80)
Tourism & Mobility (Final Year) A (78)
Tourism Planning & Development (Final Year) A (77)
Internship (Final Year) A+ (81)